"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are too small to be among the army groups from Judah, from you will come one who will rule Israel for me.
He comes from very old times, from days long ago."
"The Lord will give up his people until the one who is having a baby gives birth; then the rest of his relaives will return to the people of Israel.
At that time the ruler of Israel will stand and take care of his people with the Lord's strength and with the power of the name of the Lord his God.
The Israelites will live in safety, because his greatness will reach all over the earth.
He will bring peace." Micah 5:2-5
Oh how wonderfully that history in the scriptures shows that God has led us and protected us.
Do you allow God to Lead? How has God's protection protected you through out your life?
It is in our nature to try and take control of things to make things go our way. But as above says, that God leads and protects. We have free will, God gave us that. But I am sure that if we start our day with giving God control of that day and let Him lead us then He will protect us thought out the day.
Praise the Lord for His leading and His protection throught my life. Praise Him for keeping my family safe as well.
Thanks for joining me today in my
devotions. Please feel free to comment. Would love to hear your
testimonials on your salvation.
Have a Blessed Day!!
Rev. Kim J.
Just today I talked about his covering...thank you for confirmation.
Peace and good to you.
Hinfecti 835
You are so welcome, Beloved, God is so good like that..
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