Sunday's with Rev. Kim on Breath of Life

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday's with Rev. Kim is a feature that I created here on Breath of Life.

Welcome to my feature. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged and blessed by following and becoming involved in this journey to love the Lord and His word.

I invite you to visit often. The Welcome mat is always here, as my ideas, insights from Gods word is blogged as often as I can.
Rev. Kim

"Love works in ways
That are wondrous and strange--
There's nothing in life
That love cannot change."
Helen Steiner Rice
 A Soft answer turns away wrath but a harsh word stirs up anger. 
Proverbs 15:1

Some times in life this Scripture is hard to follow. Many find it much easier to snap, say and do things that are trying to get back and hurt the ones that have hurt them.  And then they say "Lord forgive me."  And in some ways if they are truly sorry that is all well and good. But, as I said, we maybe doing this and really not thinking of the example we are leaving behind. 

The reason that this has come to me, is that at a time when I was having health issues and it was playing against my nerves, I was snapping at everyone. Was not even aware that I was doing it. Then one day when it was really bad, I snapped at one of my granddaughters. She looked at me in shock and tears in her eyes, said "grandma you really hurt my feelings."  She turned and left the room. 

At first I was taken aback, why because she normally would come to me because someone else 
had hurt her little feelings. But since my hubby had also called me on the same thing earlier this year,  I not only had to apologize to her but had to really pray that God would help me watch my attitude! 

So as the scriptures puts it in some awesome words, and then to put the words of  Helen Steiner Rice to it. So to add any thing other than we all need to Pray and ask the Lord to help us the stop and think before we act. 

Have a wonderful week in the Lord! May you be blessed and be a blessing to others this week.

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