Sponsered Book Review: Lessons Learned by Sydney Logan

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Title: Lessons Learned Author: Sydney Logan Category: Contemporary/Inspirational Romance Pub. Date: 09/06/2012 Publisher: The Writer's Coffee Shop Format: Kindle Pages: 283 ISBN#: 9781612131153 Synopsis:    A young girl needs to spread her wings, but a young woman needs roots.English teacher Sarah Bray never thought she’d return to Sycamore Falls, but a traumatic event at her inner-city school leaves her desperate for the sanctuary of home. By returning to her roots, an older and wiser Sarah hopes to deal with the demons of her present and confront the ghosts of her past. She discovers a kindred spirit in Lucas Miller, a teacher...
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Title: ANNA DRESSED IN BLOOD Author: KENDARE BLAKE Category: Young Adult Pub. Date: 08/11/2011 Publisher: Tor Teen Format: Kindle Pages: 387 ISBN#: B004V9052U Series: Anna #1 Synopsis:    Just your average boy-meets-girl, girl-kills-people story... Cas Lowood has inherited an unusual vocation: He kills the dead.So did his father before him, until his gruesome murder by a ghost he sought to kill. Now, armed with his father’s mysterious and deadly athame, Cas travels the country with his kitchen-witch mother and their spirit-sniffing cat. Together they follow legends and local lore, trying to keep up with the murderous dead—keeping...
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teas.           ...
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Sunday's with Rev. Kim

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Welcome to my feature. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged and blessed by following and becoming involved in this journey to love the Lord and His word. I invite you to visit often. The Welcome mat is always here, as my ideas, insights from Gods word is blogged as often as I can.  Rev. Kim   Sunday's with Rev. Kim is a feature that I created here on Breath of Life....
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Sunday's with Rev. Kim

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Welcome to my feature. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged and blessed by following and becoming involved in this journey to love the Lord and His word. I invite you to visit often. The Welcome mat is always here, as my ideas, insights from Gods word is blogged as often as I can.  Rev. Kim   Sunday's with Rev. Kim is a feature that I created here on Breath of Life. ...
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Sponsered Book Review: Dark Shala by Cathy Benedetto

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Title: Dark Shala Author: Cathy Benedetto Category: Science Fiction/Fantasy Pub. Date: 03/13/2013 Publisher: Blackqyrn Publisher Format: Kindle Pages: 269 ISBN#: B00BU7CH7Q Series: The Shala Book #1 Synopsis:   Vigilance reader! There are more battles, more strategies, more Shala and Fels and most of all more mysteries! Many questions about the Shala from The Eyes of Sandala have been answered and many new ones arise. The most pressing question being who are the Dark Shala and what is their place in the war? But the mysteries do not end there, as new characters bring new questions and new prophecies as well. The back and...
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Book Review: Her Restless Heart by Barbara Cameron

Friday, May 17, 2013

Title: Her Restless Heart Author: Barbara Cameron Category: Amish/Christian Fiction Pub. Date: 01/01/2012 Publisher: Abingdon Press Format: Kindle Edition Pages: 306 ISBN#: B007MCWJRG Series: Stitches in Time #1 Synopsis:   Mary Katherine is caught between the traditions of her faith and the pull of a different life. When Daniel, an Amish man living in Florida, arrives and shares her restlessness, Mary Katherine feels drawn to him and curious about the life he leads away from Lancaster County.   But her longtime friend Jacob has been in love with her for years. He’s discouraged that she’s never...
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Book Review: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Title: Breaking Dawn Author: Stephenie Meyer Category: Young Adult/Fantasy Pub. Date: 08/02/2008 Publisher: Little, Brown and Co. Format: Hardback Pages: 756 ISBN#: 031606792x Series: Twilight, Book #4 Synopsis:   WHEN YOU LOVED THE ONE WHO WAS KILLING YOU, IT LEFT YOU NO OPTIONS. How could you run, how could you fight, when doing so would hurt that beloved one? If your life was all you had to give, how could you not give it? If it was someone you truly loved?To be irrevocably in love with a vampire is both fantasy and nightmare woven into a dangerously heightened reality for Bella Swan. Pulled in one direction by her intense...
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Book Review: Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Title: Eclipse Author: Stephenie Meyer Category: Young Adult/Fantasy Pub. Date: 08/04/2009 Publisher: Little, Brown and Co. Format: Paperback Pages: 629 ISBN#: 0316027650 Series: Twilight Book #3 Synopsis:   Readers captivated by Twilight and New Moon will eagerly devour the paperback edition Eclipse, the third book in Stephenie Meyer's riveting vampire love saga. As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob...
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Book Review: New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

Title: New Moon Author: Stephenie Meyer Category: Young Adult/Fictional Pub. Date: 09/06/2006 Publisher: Little, Brown and Co. Format: Hardback Pages: 563 ISBN#: 1904233875  Series: Twilight #2 Synopsis:    For Bella Swan, there is one thing more important than life itself: Edward Cullen. But being in love with a vampire is even more dangerous than Bella ever could have imagined. Edward has already rescued Bella from the clutches of one evil vampire, but now, as their daring relationship threatens all that is near and dear to them, they realize their troubles may be just beginning....Legions of readers entranced by New...
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Book Review: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Title: Twilight Author: Stephenie Meyer Category: Young Adult/Fantasy Pub. Date: 09/06/2006 Publisher: Little, Brown and Co. Format: Paperback Pages: 434 ISBN#: 0316015849  Series: Twilight #1 Synopsis:     Isabella Swan's move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Isabella's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Isabella, the person Edward...
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following: Grab your current read Open to a random page Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!) Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teas.           ...
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Sponsored Book Review: INDISCRETION by Charles Dubow

Title: INDISCRETION Author: Charles Dubow Category: Contemporary/Romance Pub. Date: 02/05/2013 Publisher: William Morrow Format: Hardback Pages: 400 ISBN#: 0062201050 Synopsis:    We’ve all been around a couple who can engulf the attention of an entire room merely by occupying it. Harry and Madeleine Winslow are that set; the natural ease between them is palpable and their chemistry is almost tangible. He is a recent National Book Award winner with a promising career ahead of him, and she is blessed with family money, but radiates beauty, elegance, and humility. Whether they are abroad in Italy after he receives the...
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It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

Monday, May 13, 2013

Guess what...Its Monday! What are you reading this week? This is a weekly event to list the books completed last week, the books currently being reading, and the books to be finish this week. It is hosted by  Book Journey.  I have been traveling the past couple of weeks so not  a lot has changed. Still working on these three books and hope to have them done soon. As well as some reviews. Thanks for stopping by.  What I Read Last Week: ...
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Book Review: STEPPING UP by Beth Moore

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Title: STEPPING UP Author: Beth Moore Category: Bible Study Pub. Date: 02/01/2009 Publisher: LifeWay Christian Resources Format: Paperback Pages: 175 ISBN#: 1415857431 Synopsis:    Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent Takes a look at the pilgrimage theme found in Psalms 120 134 and explores the major feasts of Israel. For the ancient Israelites, pilgrimage was a three-times-per-year journey to the temple in Jerusalem; for New Testament believers all of life becomes a journey together toward the new Jerusalem. Contains homework for six sessions. Leader Kit, Leader Guide, and Audio CDs available separately. (7...
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Book Review: the KEEPER of DAWN by J.B. HICKMAN

Title: the KEEPER of DAWN Author: J.B. HICKMAN Category: Contemporary/Young Adult Pub. Date: 10/01/2012 Publisher: Shadeflower Press Format: Paperback Pages: 294 ISBN#: 0983582904 Synopsis:   Groomed for greatness, 15-year-old Jacob Hawthorne is sent to boarding school against his will. With a self-absorbed mother, an estranged father, and an older brother on the other side of the world, only the unlikely friendship with his grandfather can lure Jacob back home. But home feels like a distant memory from the shore of Raker Island, the isolated campus of one of the Northeast's elite boarding schools. As the surrogate bonds of a cloistered...
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Title: CAPTURED by GRACE Author: DAVID JEREMIAH Category: Inspirational Pub. Date: 03/07/2006  Publisher: Integrity Publishers Format: Hardback Pages: 216 ISBN#: 1591453895 Synopsis:    Grace--it's a stained-glass, impersonal word until it happens to you . . .Until you have been broken beyond belief and need a miracle for your soul. Until you have betrayed a loved one and cannot bring him back. Until you have befriended every darkness and are desperate for the light.That's when God's relentless, amazing, very personalized grace finds you. It reached a slave trader onboard a ship raiding Africa's coast in March 1748. He...
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Sunday's With Rev. Kim

Welcome to my feature. It's my prayer that you will be encouraged and blessed by following and becoming involved in this journey to love the Lord and His word. I invite you to visit often. The Welcome mat is always here, as my ideas, insights from Gods word is blogged as often as I can.  Rev. Kim   Sunday's with Rev. Kim is a feature that I created here on Breath of Life. ...
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On My Wishlist

Saturday, May 11, 2013

On My Wishlist is a Meme hosted by Book Chick City.    On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by  Kristi at The Story Siren)   My on My Wishlist includes books that are older and already out, or brand new. Today I am bringing you four books that I am dying to read and get for my book shelves.   So ...
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Title:  COME THE SHADOWS    Author: WENDY L. YOUNG Category: Mystery/Suspense Pub. Date: 07/11/2011 Publisher: Amazon Digital Format: E-Book Pages: 232 ISBN#: 1463774494 Synopsis:   Officer Will Harmon lives a comfortable life in Campbell Creek, North Carolina, where there hasn't been a murder in seventeen years. When bones are discovered in the old bread factory his life is disrupted but the body only the beginning. Challenges, threats, and surprising mysteries are coming and he will do whatever it takes to protect the life he loves......
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Title: THE CHAIR Author: JAMES L. RUBART Category: Christian Fiction Pub. Date: 09/15/2011 Publisher: B&H Books Format: Paperback Pages: 388 ISBN#:  1433671522 Synopsis:   If someone gave you a chair and said it was made by Jesus Christ, would you believe them?When an elderly lady shows up in Corin Roscoe's antiques store and gives him a chair she claims was crafted by Jesus, he scoffs. But when a young boy is miraculously healed two days after sitting in the chair, he stops laughing and starts wondering... could this chair heal the person whose life Corin destroyed twelve years ago?As word spreads of the boy's healing,...
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Title: THE HAMBLEDOWN DREAM Author: DEAN MAYES Category: Romance/Fantasy Pub. Date: 01/20/2010 Publisher: ireadwrite Publishing Format: E-Book Pages: 189 ISBN#: 9781926760278 Synopsis:   Australian Denny Banister had it all; a successful career, a passion for the guitar, and Sonya - the love of his life. Tragically, Denny is struck down with inoperable cancer. Andy DeVries has almost nothing; alienated from his family, moving through a dangerous Chicago underworld dealing in drugs, battling addiction while keeping a wavering hold on the only thing that matters to him: a place at a prestigious conservatory for classical...
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Title: A SUDDEN GLORY Author: SHARON JAYNES Category: Spirituality Pub. Date: 08/21/2012 Publisher: Maltnomah Books Format: Paperback Pages: 244 ISBN#: 1601424086 Synopsis:    Do you long for something more in your relationship with God?The good news is that “something more” does not mean “doing more.” God is not waiting for you to get your spiritual life “right.” He wants to be with you right where you are.The real question is not “What does God want from you?” but “What does God want for you?” Sharon Jaynes understands what it’s like to have a “glory ache”—a longing to experience God’s presence on a daily basis. She...
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Friday, May 10, 2013

Title: WRITERS WORKSHOP  Editor: Michael Knost Category: Writing Tips Pub. Date: 04/18/2013 Publisher: Seventh Star Press Format: E-book Pages: 210 ISBN#: BooCFu2K4W Synopsis:    Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy is a collection of essays and interviews by and with many of the movers-and-shakers in the industry. Each contributor covers the specific element of craft he or she excels in. Expect to find varying perspectives and viewpoints, which is why you many find differing opinions on any particular subject.This is, after all, a collection of advice from professional storytellers. And no two writers...
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