Review: Diet Enlightenment

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Title: Diet Enlightenment Author: Rachel L. Piers Category: Diets Pub. Date: 4/15/2014 Publisher: Tate Publishing Format: Kindle Pages:176 ISBN#: B00K7GZ8YU Synopsis:   Do you believe that dieting is supposed to be difficult? Or that you need to choose between the body of your dreams and the food you love? What if I told you that one has nothing to do with the other, and that you could lose weight eating what you want without having to go hungry? What the multibillion-dollar dieting industry doesn't want you to know is that there is a simple and easier way to lose weight and keep it off. And, despite what you've been led to...
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On My Wishlist

Saturday, May 2, 2015

On My Wishlist is a Meme created by Book Chick City.    On My Wishlist is a weekly meme that allows us to share the books we haven't bought yet but are waiting to be bought and devoured. If you are anything like me then your wishlist is getting longer by the day! If you would like to take part and have your own 'On My Wishlist' post then you can more info here. (This post was inspired by the fab In My Mailbox by  Kristi at The Story Sire...
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